Saturday, December 29, 2007

har har har...

so i whent to boxing,
well first i pick up some fruit to snack on (try to gain some mucle here..) and picked up bandaids and tape and iodine to cover the holes that i have worn in my knuckles. (yea i get alot of strange looks at my bandaged hands.. lol what ever.)
so.. gonna share here a bit, prepare to loose some respect for me,lol
so i chance into my fight short and relize i forgot my manties (man panties as roxane used to call them) and i also for got my ankle braces.. yea a good start.. what ever i'll make do.. so what if i end up fashing my goods at a monk and some thai school girls.. fuck it.
i strat as i alwas do and oil up like a 70's porn start with boxing oil.. it's like tiger balm if tigerbalm was gear oil mixed with gasoline and angry gofers. (just is ok)
it warms the mucles and get you going.. un les you forgot you chonies and get some on your junk... oh sweet jeebus! i've done it before but that kind of pain you just don't remember till it happens again. ack!
anyways, 20min jumping rope and that horable burning sensation has finaly passed, do some kicking, wrap my hands and get ready to hit the bag for a bit.. jab jab.. ok.. jab jab cross... what the fuck! i feel this weird springy feeling in my forarm... look down and my right for arm it about 2x the size of my right... crap.
so i go over and ice it... 1/2 the guys there say it's nothing and go train (the you fucking pussy part is just implyed of cource) the outher half wince at looking at it and say thats not good.. lol well i iced it and took the day off for the class.. if it dosn't get better ina few days i'll do something abut it.. but now i'm anoyed.. the one thing that keeps me modritly sane and out of a downward spriale of mopyness has left me a chewed up freak.. fuck.. so, i decided to head back to the internet cafe and waste a bunch of money.. on the bright side.. i'll have all my photos up loaded soon, after bigthing the bullet and getting a flickr pro acount and a new card reader.. woopie look at me spend $$..

Friday, December 28, 2007


torn up.
a night full of savage nightmares, of a past not that far gone.
still haunted.
flys continually try to land in the torn up flesh of my knuckles, it's disgusting.
I stopped coughing up blood. in an hour i go in again to train. and to be fustrated with myself for being in such pitiful shape. like somehow being strong enough will some how fix things.
i'm probably just getting wound up before i jump into Laos. I'm contemplating getting a lonely planet to bring.. i idea just seems absurd.. too much like all outer ideas i suppose.
but going in a something. so forward and on ward and all good thing to come.


yea something...
guess i should. I stoped bothering to blog for a bit when i relized i had made 17 bucks so far.not that i blog thinking thats it's gonna get me rich, but fuck. guess adsence isn't my travel savyor. lol.
i guess I should relate sisket, or my trip into cambodia, or getting stung a bunch of times by some poisenes fishys. but i don't much feel like it.
maybe sometime i'll bother to talk about all that, but i'm sure i'll have just 1/2 forgoten about it anyways..
so what then.... (side note, is there a blogger tracker so I can see if anyone is even reading this?)
well i've been getting heavy into the boxing. took my 4th class today, so i can't move my head with out turning my sholder, all my knuckles and hamberger. and by round 3 i was coughing up an amazing vibrently red blood. i'm sore but i feel alive. as long as i don't think too hard on it i feel like i'm acomplishing something. (ust don't think too hard!)
i'm trying to do 2 days on 2 days off. hoping it'll give my body a bit of time to repair it's self. but not too long to where i start getting out of shape. but i haven't been doing too bad, keeping away from booze has helped.. though it makes me a total bore to all my thai friends, and new people i now don't meet.. cuz thats what everyone here dose.. oh well. at least soon i'll be able to tear peoples heads off.. or something.
i've been blowing money like it's out of style.. well, not whitey style.. thats staying in a 20 doller room eating overpriced western food, and getting tons of hookers... none of which intrest me in the least, so i guess it's not that bad, but i'm taking taxis everywhere, ends up being at least 6 bucks a day/// and that adds up. not as bad as going out drinking, where you spent 30 and the nights 1/2 through but still not good.
i've got a few instructers on the take so i'm getting one hell of a workout, it's costing me an extra 50B a day but really that ain't shit, and today I got 6 rounds muythai 6 rounds boxing and round light sparing and a round knee sparing.. preaty dam good.. of cource till later when i'm dieing in pain.
so on the 31st i fly to Udon, my first thai flight, I normaly go bus but i'm going with a friend and they are talking a fight so thats that.. cost quite a bit.. but I keep reminding myself that one of my import ideas may work so eh.
after udon i go to Luy and then i need to find my way to Laos to take care of some visa stuff. i plan on about 2 weeks there and then back down to bkk.. anyways.. I'm gonna see if i have anyluck with flicker, if so maybe there will be some pics up.. but mostliely i'll just pund my head through the moniter in fustration :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

back to BKK

I just got off the 11 hour bus ride to bkk, from chaing mai. i'm stinky any delirious. I decided to go 1st class instead of vip this time, don't know if i'll be doing that again anytime soon (the girl on the computer next yo me is singing (zombie) poorly,)
I was squished next to an older business man, who I think got the worse part of the bargain, once i realised i didn't smell so hot.. opps, fucking white people.
anyways, last time I was talking about the day long off road ride we went on, which was great, but a bit sketchy at times, like at one point where I was looking back to see how far back the guys were an came about 2 inches to driving off a cliff. looked like about a 15 foot drop into dense forest the the vegetation was so think you couldn't tell what was down there.
also, I was riding on duel sport tires so any part I was going down hill I was just sliding, the entire time. which isn't so bad on a dirt bike but still a bit sketchy, i was told the other bikes the guys rented didn't have that problem at all with the knobies.
every once in a awhile we'd come across a little old lady on a scooter loaded down with baskets going up one of these roads and be amazed (and feel a little less manly)
lol., the road ended up leading to some paved roads and after asking quite a few nice folks which way to ching mai we found our way back. everyone ass tired.
a few days later I when out again through a small village on the outskirts of chaing mai and found some dirt trails, which lead into heavy foliage, wouldn't quite call it thje forest but it was pretty thick. took some trails deeper and deeper till we came across a little old man how was very insistent that we go farther down the way we were going.. that or he was saying don't! go down that way.. lol.. i tryed to ask if he wanted to attach his cart to my bike and i'd give him a ride but the language barrar was too great and I think we all just confused each other.. we ended up going off on a side trail past abandoned houses and farms, the trail got smaller and smaller at times disappearing in the thick undergrowth and reappearing here and there. but after a bit I kept thinking "this is how tourist get lost in the jungle" so I finally tured around and made my way back to the city in time to return the bike (it was costing me a fortune anyways.)
most the rest of the time in Chang Mai was spent going to biker partys, getting presured to drink, though I did a deasent jopb at staying fiarly sober. just topping off my drink with soda water any chance I got before they could pour more wisky in.
the last day before I left Pee Pot (the head of the Chang Mai Hellrasers bike club) put togeather a ride, (I rented a honda super four for the day which wasn't too bad)we ended up riding for 11 am to 5pm with many breaks, if flicker didn't suck such balls I could put some of them up) anyways.. it was good fun, the bike club guys on there chromed out jap choppers and harly gear looked the part.
hopfully I'll get to meet up with them next time i'm up, Pee Pot is suposed to keep an eye out for a bike for me to buy...
anyways,. now I'm of to find a place to shower. I thinkbeing white, i should just be able to walk past the from desk of any guest house and head upstairs to take one. guess it's time to start getting used to cold showers again. lol.

Friday, December 14, 2007

flickr sucks!!!

wow dose flickr suck ass!!!
I opend a acount so I could add photos here and it was such a huge pain in the ass.
I think i already have like 5 acounts through them, so every user name I have is taken up, but i can't log into any of them.
I hope the CEO of ficker gets raped by wild angry pigs!
i like how they give you a security question but then restrict you on the awncer.. thats preaty fucking stupid.. whats you fave this of that.. sorry thats not enough letter, why don't you like something that has more letters.. thanks turd suckers!
and after alllll that i try to up load photos.. theres a limit. so what I need a acount for every 100 photos?
i'm so sick of companys making there products a pain to use. yes that is a big fuck you to apple for handy capping all there products, all the cunt phone companys in the usa, ect ect ect.

ok, i deleted a bunch of my photos so hopfully they'll all fit, i'd concider paying for an upgreaded acount but the adsence adds on this page arn't paying shit, and I'd hate to suport flickr till they chang the way they do shit.
but, posably there be some photos up sooner than later

chang mai

ok i'm going to try and spew out as much as i can about this while i can, it seems i have quite the limited attention span for blogging when not totally in the mood..
that was suposed to be taken care of by the palm life drive and brand new ir keyboard i brought with me, but about 8 of the keys on the key board arn't working.. so that just makes it ttaly infuriating to try and use.
but here's a brief recap thus far.
flew out of LAX around noon, and after alot of bumbling around i found my way to my gate and onto my plane.
the flight was super easy due to the fact that i had 2 Valium with me, so after my first meal on the plane I took them with a glass of wine and was out for about 12 hours, when they woke me for meal before landing, easiest 14 hour flight ever!
then i had a stop over in taipai and another short flight to BKK.
I trudged around the BKK airport a ton trying to see if I could get a connecting flight up to chaing mai for bike week were some friends from EBRMC were taking part of.
well all fights were booked so I shot out a txt to all my thai Friends saying i was in town and after getting on the wrong bus found one into down town BKK.
luckly while on the bus I got a call froma friend inviting me over so then I hoped off the bus and got a cab (BKK cab drivers always get lost! i'm not sure if it's because the street system is so fucked or because they are probably just a farmer with a bad crop last season)
anyways, got a shower and a few hours of sleep then headed down to khosarn rd (yea I hate it there but it's a convenient hub)
first out i found out all trains were booked and even the tourist buses were full so it was down to the bublic bus terminal, but first i hit up an ATM then whent by my old muythai studio and gave them a ton of $ but should keep me set with boxing lessons for when ever i'm in BKK. I took a class and really didn't do as bad as I thought I would for having nt trained for the last 6 months, after a 4 hour class it was to the bus station, but unluckily i miss pronounced the name and said chit lom not mo chit, and got a grand frightening tour of Bangkok rush hour traffic on the back of a komakosy motorcycle taxi, but i fily got there and got a ticket for a train heading out in about 3 hours, so I sat on the ground with the 2000 or so other people waiting for buses out. fuck it's tough to sit on the ground for that long i a crowd and not be able to point your feet in anyone direction (cuz thats super rude!)
the bus ride when fine, really the same as anytime i'm onm a bus tran or plane, i sit there really needing to pee but not wanting to bother or wake the person i'd need to climb over to get to do so.
we stop ed at around 2 in the morning to get food but I couldn't find my food vouture (and really the government food terminals are so crazy, no really, billions of half awake people skittering around trying to grab food, use the rest room, smoke, and find there way back to there bus before it leaves with out them. I got out tryed to figure it out and said screw it, the food is never that good anyways (on the trip back i'll take some photos to post.)
at the end i got into chaing mai before the sun came up found a moto taxi and got into the city.. where into the city i didn't know and it took a few hours of walking around with a crappy com pus and a crappy map to figure it out, luckily i came across a really cool ceremony where there was hundreds of monks brought in on military trucks and about a mile of tarps laid out on a street , then the monks would walk down the center of the tarp and people sitting on either side would give them offerings. the still datrk sky was lit up by thousands of hanging lanterns and some really pretty music was playing from speakers that were everywhere,
I continued to walk around for about 5 hours till some places were open so i could use the Internet and find out where my Friends were.
after I met up with on guy who i had only b\met I think once before (JJ) he gave me a ride atround to a few bike shops so I could try and get a deal on a motorcycle for while I was therere. after a bunch of serching I found that all big bikes (anything over 200cc) are ass expencive like close to 20 a day! but i knew if I got some good use out of it it would be worth it.
unluckly trever was sick, and soon after JJ got sick aswell, so I ended up just spending a bunch of time on my own for a few days, wandering around the city and such.
JJ was kind enough to let me crash on the floor of his room for 2 nights though so I couldn't be too hard on myself for spending so much $ on the bike.
we whent to some biker rallys, most of which were preaty lame, sitting at a big table somewhere listing to bad western muisic covers and drinking...
the thai bikers are a funny bunch, just like the punkers, raga gutys ect, they are all so very into it. but most look like a weird cookie cutter usa biker image. funny but cute.
we also met up with some of the santa crawl guys geary, mike, and soran. so we had 3 santas with us which was intresting. and yes, one night i threw on the stinky santa outfit for a bar crawl.
we finaly did get to do some riding, and ended up on some fantastic rough dirt roads, unluckly everyone was much much slower than me (JJ had already left at this point) so I was on my own for much of the ride then I'd wait 10 min or so for everyone to catch up and continue on (I think being the right size for the bike made a big diff) also i think the theory of on dirt more gas is the soulution to everthing (which it is) got me so far ahead of the pack.
but fuck I forgot how much fun dirt bikes are! now I really want one.
also the it was just amazing beutiful out in the deep jungle/forest. I can't wait to do that again..
more later...

Friday, December 7, 2007

well I was going to post some blogs I wote wile on the plane but of cource my ir key board s L,W,and X keys stoped working, now I can't even get the Palm life drive to turn on so... eh.
i'm in chaing mai now, I just got off a 10 hour bus ride, and have been just walking around waiting for the sun to come up. soon some places should be open and I'll go grab some food and get my bearing a bit better.
the plane ride was a breeze, I dropped 2 Valium and slept 12 hours of the flight not too bad at all. so far everything has been really easy, my cell phone still works, I got some overpriced cards made up at kinkos before i left the usa but they turned out soooo shitty I'm going to just have to throw them away, there goes close to 50 bucks! fucking kinkos!
other wise i'm up in chaing mai for bike week hopefully going to meet up with trever and jj from ebrmc and do some riding. I'm still trying to get a hold of theses guys but now i know where there guest house is and I've figured out my bearings a bit (after about 2 hours of wandering around totally turned around.)
other than that, my first day in thailand whent well, a friend let me sleep at there place, I signed up for 30 classes at my old boxing gym. and trained for the first time inn 6 months yesterday. i'm feeling a bit sore but it's not too bad yet ;)
I expected to be in much worse shape. most people can't make it through one of the classes, but I struggled through.. hopefully some time I'll go out and buy some new muythai gear.. I'm also considering on getting a run of Drunken Monkey fight shorts made up to sell. that should be amusing. if it happens..though I'm guessing it will just end in our regulars sitting at the bar in nothing but shiny short short shorts... not too sure if that a great thing or a crime against nature.
ok. take care...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

24 hours till go

I'm getting a slow start this morning. guess with getting a bunch done yesterday thats ok.
going to try and get some biz card printed up at kinkos with my info on them, and a few outher little things, then early in the morning I'm off. hoping to cach up with treve and some of the eastbay rats to do a mc ride across some of thailand.
outherwise what I'm going to do there is preaty much in the air.
ok, gotta run. i'll try and post again before I take off.

Monday, December 3, 2007

getting things togeather...

so, so far the blogger page has been a flop (which is why I haven't bothered to post much) I was hoping that clicks on the adds on this page would cover the Internet cafes where I'd need to go to down load the blogs, but so far out of the hundred or so people who have come to this page to read these blogs only 7 in all have clicked on one of the ad banners. so it's not looking too promising. but I'll keep going as we'll see.. just in case today I went out and bought a small paper journal (which is a much easier way to go) too bd i got this set up so late or I'd know weather to bring the palmtop and key bord with me.. so far it looks like i'm going to be bring a heap or tec crap with me which doesn't make me too happy. :( last thing i need is more crap to lug around so for i's looking like my big 30g ipod, ipod shuffle, palm life drive, infred keyboard, folding speakers, digital camera, the cameras stupid over sized charger, and an electronic dictionary. plus ear bud head phones, and all the cables that come with that stuff. so lame.. i'm going to sit down and take a long look at this junk. it's just way too much. i've been figthing the urge to get a mini tri pod as well, seeing how most pics i take i need to balance my cam on something so i can run and jump in the shot...
I spent the whole day running around getting last min stuff finished. printed out my photos to share with people i meet, deposited the $ I made in the last 6 months into the bank, and coin stared all the coins that have built up, got a small leather bound note book, picked up some cloths from rei, and bought a new digital camera, yea yea, I know i could have gotten it cheaper in Thailand , if i could have found it, but it would have been a huge hassle and the cam i found was exactly what i was looking for. though not as efficient as my last cam which took smart flash so i could swap back and forth between the life drive, also i have a small flah reader so I wouldn't have had to bring another cable, and it took aa battery's, so i wouldn't have needed a charger that bigger than the camera it's self. tomorrow I think i'm going to cut down the chargers cord which bundled is almost as big as the cam as well. i'm also tempted to break open the charger gut it and just bring the power supply which i'm sure is tiny... eh well see.
oh and something extremely exciting, my folks offed as a xmas/birthday gift they'll help me get lasic eye surgery for me when I get back into the country!!! that should be really nice.. so we'll see what happens with that, keeping my fingers crossed!
my next update will be from the lifedrive and keyboard to see how that works...