Monday, December 3, 2007

getting things togeather...

so, so far the blogger page has been a flop (which is why I haven't bothered to post much) I was hoping that clicks on the adds on this page would cover the Internet cafes where I'd need to go to down load the blogs, but so far out of the hundred or so people who have come to this page to read these blogs only 7 in all have clicked on one of the ad banners. so it's not looking too promising. but I'll keep going as we'll see.. just in case today I went out and bought a small paper journal (which is a much easier way to go) too bd i got this set up so late or I'd know weather to bring the palmtop and key bord with me.. so far it looks like i'm going to be bring a heap or tec crap with me which doesn't make me too happy. :( last thing i need is more crap to lug around so for i's looking like my big 30g ipod, ipod shuffle, palm life drive, infred keyboard, folding speakers, digital camera, the cameras stupid over sized charger, and an electronic dictionary. plus ear bud head phones, and all the cables that come with that stuff. so lame.. i'm going to sit down and take a long look at this junk. it's just way too much. i've been figthing the urge to get a mini tri pod as well, seeing how most pics i take i need to balance my cam on something so i can run and jump in the shot...
I spent the whole day running around getting last min stuff finished. printed out my photos to share with people i meet, deposited the $ I made in the last 6 months into the bank, and coin stared all the coins that have built up, got a small leather bound note book, picked up some cloths from rei, and bought a new digital camera, yea yea, I know i could have gotten it cheaper in Thailand , if i could have found it, but it would have been a huge hassle and the cam i found was exactly what i was looking for. though not as efficient as my last cam which took smart flash so i could swap back and forth between the life drive, also i have a small flah reader so I wouldn't have had to bring another cable, and it took aa battery's, so i wouldn't have needed a charger that bigger than the camera it's self. tomorrow I think i'm going to cut down the chargers cord which bundled is almost as big as the cam as well. i'm also tempted to break open the charger gut it and just bring the power supply which i'm sure is tiny... eh well see.
oh and something extremely exciting, my folks offed as a xmas/birthday gift they'll help me get lasic eye surgery for me when I get back into the country!!! that should be really nice.. so we'll see what happens with that, keeping my fingers crossed!
my next update will be from the lifedrive and keyboard to see how that works...

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