Thursday, April 30, 2009


feeling better.
once i got out of that hell hole, and got some food.
then found out that my atm card is working again.
hit the shadow pupet workshop, and the big wat here.
and then stuffed myface, was so full it hurt.
a few min ago i decided where i'll head in teh morninng, going west (can't rememebr the name of the town off the top of my head) and will aim for a train junctiooon, and find a train to Maylaisia, it'll suckgoing somewhere where i can't speak the langage but such is life.
i'm sure it's about time.
my iphone is out out of money and with the lower part of the screen not reaction to touch i can't refill it, so no more posting from the road. a full restor may fix it I'd say a 10% chance, but what do i know, but that meens i loose all my photos, apps, books, games, music.. so not too sure about that..

hopfully i'll hit towns with internet often to i can try and keep this, an my outer bicycle blog somewhat updated.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

off the top of my head.

trying to keep my head on strate.
having iphone issues, so can't conect to the internet trought that right now.
and the thais seem to not understand the use of the internet so internet caffees are daycare centers, with tons of little childred screeming as loud as they can and running around, climing on your chair loudly eating in your ear as they trya nd read your screen.
amazing fucking anoying, not to mention your ears start ringing from they high pitch squiealling litle fuckers.
anyways, in a town that i can't remember how to say the name, something like nakom si thanarat, it remeneds me of china, a small indrustral city crowed dirty, full of small shops, loking into the shops reminds me of my youth, when I'd see old tools from the 50's, alll that stuff is in use here, old printerpresses, mills, stick welders, and push in screwdrivers.
it's brutaly hot outside, really hot. and everything is just mangaled steel and cracking concret.
reflecting the heat.
everything is a maze, and therres no way to tell one way from another, therer a constant fear of being lost, i'm still not sure how i made it to my guest houes yesterday.
so i'm only venturing out a block or 2 at a time.
trying to block out the screeming so hard.
going to check out the musium and shadow pupet workshops. tryed to find a masage, thought as beat to crap my boday is it would help, but i found a few places after alot of serching, but the ones i could find, that had anyone there looked at me lke i was insane, and had no idea what i was talking about.
don't grab te child next to you and shake them..
not sure where is next, i can contune to follow the coast down, or i can try to head to the east coast and look for more rock climbing. but that side has some brutal down pours everyday, and i think is quite a bit more expencive.
or i can head sooner than later to the train and get down to Maylisia...

so we shall, see. going to send out some emails, then go find food and finsh my landry.. fun fun,

oh by the way posted some new photos on facebook of the last few days.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

bkk, 2

my friend bought a ticket for me to go to kho tao, but it seems they arn't alowing bicycles, so after a bunch of crappy, confusing communication i finally found the shop, they then wanted 500B alsmot the same cost as the ticket for the seat to bring it.
but then they wantted me to take it apart and pay, i told them pick one or the outher..
i finaly talked them into letting me carry it taken apart ina bag. so i just finshed trying to pull it apart, hopefully i can get all teh crappy little plastic washers back togeather on teh head stem.
couldn't take off teh rear swing arm, the bolts were just striping out, fucking cheap-o crap. and teh pivit bolt i can't access.
and another bolt just spun, and i don't have 2 of the same size allen wrench, what a pain.
hopefully i can rewire the crappy little bike computer whos wire tore in 1/2.
fun fun.
so 5;30 in the morning it's off to kho tao, and if for fucks sake were gogint to be there anywhere near the full moon party, oh god the hell, i'l just hide out in the room in teh dark witha weapon, and beath to death the first skuzzy isralie theif that sneeks in to plunder the room.


just got back into bkk, the train pulled in 3 hours late.
tryed sleeping last night with a florecent bulb 10" from my face.
it was so hot just tossed and turned witha soggy pillow.
rode my bicycle from the train station, while truckers and cabs tryed to run us off the road. it wasa a short ride but the air is filthy and dark gray, sickly foul, it's getting more like china here, everyone's getting cancer. but the most croupt still have there lamborgines and hummers. while the rest starve.
my phone battery is dieing, i'm trying to get a bus south with my bicycle, the new year is coming and the travel agents ues it as an excuse to try to over charge, or make the tickests you already have useless.
i'm trying to contact or find the shop where my friend got the tickets, i have a pounduing heangover from thoses pills yesterday.
the battery on my phone is dieing, and i'm afrade that i'm sweeting so much i'll short it out, like i did with my ipod shuffle.
everything soaked with sweat. the air is thick and nasty. maybe i should go try and train. though they are trying to say i can't use the classes i already paid for becasue of a new rule they made after i had already paid saying you have to use up all your classes within a short time perioud. crap..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vientiane life..

I'm still living in Vientiane, Laos.
I've got a routine down to my days, at night the mice scurry around my room, and the bed bugs lurk the walls, 6am my alarm gose off, and i drag my ass down stairs to my bike, and hit the streets. dodging through traffic at least this early it's not too bad, the shop keepers are throwing water out on teh sidewalks and streets infront of there shops to keep the dust down, old ladys pushing there carts of good along, too groggy to realy keep up with traffic i peddle alone on the side as motorcycle and trucks make right and left turns that i narroly avoid. i run reds witht eh masses of traffic, strength in numbers, is how they drive.
now awake enought to feel everything hurts, every mucel a bit too tite and too over used.. i zip across teh street into oncoming traffic, no one is suprised, they just weave around me and i turn past the shops that make the samll colerfull stuppas to hold ashes..
and a quick right into the chinese temple grounds. it's empty, only the sound of the chanting sound track echoing out from the closest huge wat, and tinkle of the bells.. distent music.. i park my bike, making sure it secure anything i don't want lost to it, the kids at the gym love hoiing on it and riding it around.. no worrys. so i try to stretch, ouch..
look at the bruses on my shins.. see some of the kids from the guy arive, listing to music on there phones, all mucle and smiles, in there billowing rubber sweat jackets, patched togeather with ducktape.
and i run,
and run and run, every few minets anouther student from the national team join in, after half an hour or so, there all lapping me, and my knees hate me. next are the very 1950's soivet style exercises, the ever present endless shaddow boxing.. the team pep talk, that in a monaton drone that gose on for ever, and i can only translate every 10th word.
through a haze of nats, the first part of the day is over, now a ride back through heavy traffic, dodging cars, busses, trucks and a millon mototcycles. always quite a few close calls.
back where i stay i share a meal with my lao friends, hit teh computer, landry, then it's back to my room, brushing the mice turds off the bed for a short nap.
I do the comute again, now to the big falling apart stadum, full of flys, and trash, and broken concrest. avoiding the trash, cow paddies, and outher nastys on the floor, i clime up onto the eneven stade covered in a carpet that takes the skin off like a chease greater..
we do drills, the instructers try to convay what i'd doing wrong in a mixture of lao, thai, and grunts.
the outher students laugh, and joke, and try pulling on my leg hair.
i'm tired.
and i can't seem to get the mucels structched out enought to be able to move normaly..
teh punching bags are solid as rocks, and trying to kick them fromthe uneven broken up concreat is almost as trick as not twisting an anchel on the uneven planks of the stage..
the suns going down, and the miskitos are out in force..... I don't even know why i'm trying to blog, but that a bit of what my days are like...
now, i'm trying to get a train ticket back down to bkk, but all teh trains a re full, there been alot of fighting and it's only a matter of time befre it gets bad, so i want to get in and out, seems thaialnd is faling apart a bit, due to the greed and cruption of the people in power.
i'm so sick of flys...

Friday, April 3, 2009


looking at my reflecton justa few minets ago I saw myself old for the first time, it's sureal, I could see for the first time what i look like as an adult. I've seen outher with this look. a bit sunken. showing my age.
earler i was on the mekong, i had a bucket with some hot coles and a clay pot of boiling soup, stomic lining, beef, difrent green plants, and the random bug that was in there. it kept coming to mind, all this training, isn't really for any reason, it just stuck in my mind i'm not getting stronger just older.
I know i'm not that old, but that kept coming to mind.
buying gum i don't even want from dirty street kids. watching people with there cigrets and booze, almost a bit jellous about the companiship I can remember these items gave.
I walked past my guest houes after with a snack, some friends were outside, i walked down the street and ate in a dark small ally.
the hookers left me alone.
so on it goes, the good the bad. and all the solatary hours.
in a hurry to get back in a hurry to stay.
not wanting ither but not knowing what else to do.
and the seat to my bike is still hard as a basterd. damit

Thursday, April 2, 2009

suk sie

Still in Laos, I was sick forever, it's still bugging me but not enough to slow me down too much.
today I started my training with suk sie muay lao gym, there big on tequinque, which i badly need.
starts at 6am with running and exercise at a chinese temple. one exercises which wasw fun but hard was them calling out numbers in thai ( for my bennifet) a having to run to a difrnet number before someone ealse get there, have to translat thoses numbers quick in my head, but i didn't do too bad. I could see staying here for awhile, if onl;y i had more time.
back at 4 for boxing training, I have already learned some new stuff that makes alot of sence.
staying at the same old guest house, seeing people freak out about mice and bed bugs, but i'm doing fine enough.
I need to start my trip south soon, but really want to do the training, and still trying to break in the seat of my bike.
met a nice auzzy and us girl today and had a nice chat, sometimes forget what human contact is like, aside from strugeled small talk in Laoshion.