Wednesday, January 2, 2008

to nong kai

trying to throw up a quick something, about to head off to nong kai to try to get to the friendship brige.
it's funny to get reminded, it dosen't matter what the price is suposed to cost.. your sol white if you don't pay wat we want. lol.
yea so we shall see.
some crazy (limozine) gona drop me off in a fild o donkeys,
ok, mistakenly droped more $ into thisa computer.. oh well, then at least i'm not totaly out of time.
so, i'm heading to laos, just came from the last 3 days in Loie (luy)
this last timei was in the (city) area, a bit difrent than my last trips where i was in a sm,all village.. well, i was still in a small village, but a town like area of it.
so next it's off to try to get through the border, last time i delt with the laos border/passport crap they wanted to throw me in jail.. or at least scare the crap out of me saying i had snuk into there country, and falsafied my stamps! eekk!
but for the most part i love Laos PDR, i think this next time i'll stay for about 2 week, depending.
mainly need to get back to BKK, for trainingm, and to get some $ from a friend.
so we shall see.
Laos is like the wild west version of thailand, makes me intrested to see what the real cambidia is going to be like. but that'll takle living there for awhile or meeting someone from there first.. eh.

gotta say i am really not in the mod to try and haggle a ride out to the friendship brige from shady tuk tuk drivers.. fist i need to get to noig kai, tyhe city with the brige, then a tuk tuk to the brige, then a bus across the brige, and then another bus into the city.. if i can figure it out.. last time a nice lao girl grabed me by the hand (i was petaticly trying to figure out which bus to take.. and all the tuk tuk drivers were saying there was no bus,, and being a pin..
fuck, out of time... till next time..
i hoipe everyone is happy and healty.

1 comment:

Snarfff said...

Speaking of friendship bridges, I clicked on one of your ads -- Meet Thai Girls. It allowed me to search for me, so I did, in the 60 to 80 year range. They were all German and Norwegian. Heh! I doubt they are searching for 60-80 year old thai girls :-)