so after a long day getting sun burnt, lost in insane Cambodian traffic. what to do, well. how about get lost in the city at night.. that was fucking frighting! in a big way, my travel friend wanted to go see a friends brother so we rode across town, but then she wanted to stayt out and drink, so i was stuck trying to find my way back to the guest house.. and i have a sepcal skill at getting ass lost.
I'm not sure what was more whorfing, aproching intersections where people don't even slow down for there red light they are running, the on coming traffic with no headlights down one way roads, the dark.. death allys that you need to pop into to turn around, the deep uncovered service holes that you need to nearloy avoid..
in this city every night at lest 4-5 people die at night from the roads and traffic..
after about an hour of driving in circles i was concidering ditching the bike and just taking a tuk tuk. what hell. and then after her long night of drinking the responce i get is how could you have gotten lost it's so easy.. suck!
that sucked big time, worse than the scary as shit traffic the day before..
anywyas, yesterday we finaly made it to the kamer rouge killing filds, it was a bit desturbing. today I hope to make it to the tourture prison.. so fuck up shit..
anywyas.. guess thats it for now. (looks like the spell check won't work again.. fucking Cambodian computers!!
15 years ago
camer rouge killing filds. man thats hot. you should find someone to ...
nevermind what i was gonna say. dude be careful. I would be totally bummed if you died in a manhole, and I mean that in the nice kinda ways. look all four way before you cross. and maybe listen to some dead kennedy's while at the killing fields. (wow that is fucked up of me huh?) well, you know who i am. I have this t shirt from the landmine musieum, did you go there? I tried to get amber to agree to take vacation over there, but she said no. so you have to strongarm those burningman pricks. otherwise I have no idea when we will see each other again, and AI miss you.
also, I just got your post. we miss you too, even the cat, and the snake!
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