Wednesday, March 25, 2009


low on time, everythingok, gotta get out of thailand in a hurry, off to Laos tomorow, trying to get everything done in time.
going to take the bike and try to bike down laos. and in vientine try to sort out a thai visa, the new goverment in thailand are trying to push out all white people, it's a bit fucked.
i'll post when have some time

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

kho sarn

sweaty, stumbling, googly eyed honkeys, sagging lard from hot pants, drunken glee with there new found dark skinned toys at bay.
the putrid dank funk permeating everything about. and reflecting from devious drooping wrinkled darting eyes with the smugness of a pocket full of sin.
endlessly alone, sore, endlessly injured. waiting for time to pass, muscles to repair. sleep to come.
another night in bkk

Monday, March 9, 2009


today I when to some temples with my friend Wassana to make good fortune for her upcoming interview with the us embassy. we traveled across bkk, bus boat and tuk tuk to get to a beautiful temple to pray in many of it's areas. (i was sure to ware a non black shirt with sleves to go to the temple, but in hind site should have worn long pants to we could have gone to the grand pallace.) but at least i remembered to step over thresholds and all that jazz. after that we went to go set fish free and give food to the fish and birds outside the temple (also very lucky) I'm always amazed how many fish there are near the temples, you throw in a bit of fish food and the water is totally alive of huge squirm fisshys. and tons of sky rat pigeons. well unluckily one fell in the water and was drowning in the nasty Bangkok river. gnarly gnarly water! passing through the center of the whole city full of a million nasty barges.. ick. well, my friend was quite upset at seeing the poor bird drowned but i sure as fuck wasn't going to the the stupid former to go in that oily dark funk, with huge swells from all the huge 500 yard rice barges. I borrowed a stick from old lady vending something or outher who i couldn't really try to explain what i needed it for, I hated of think of my friend so worried about luck and her interview to have to watch this bird drowned, but alass the bird had floated farther out, and the fish were all about trying to eat it (circle of life it think) but a little old 80 year old hunch back grandma thought otherwise and jumped in to save it. but she quickly tired from the large swells, to I had to jump 1/2 way in to pull her out, at my friends and the growing crowds frantic 1/2 understood pleas.. of course the steeps into the water are covered in a nasty mossy slime, making it almost imposable to get in let alone out pulling a little old lady clinging to a soggy sky rat. but with the help of Thai guy who offered a hand (i think someone was holding onto his as well) shit i have to say, after boxing for 3 hours a day I thought I was fairly strong, it still took quite a bit of effort to get her in.
but alass the pigeon old lady and luck of Buddha all seems quite intact, and I haven't acquired any scary side effects from the water, yet.
otherwise, I'm still in BKK, training like crazy (except today) I was going to go down to the island of kho tao, but it wasa bit too close to a full moon party on a naboring island, think limy spring break meets burning man less DPW, (harf) (frat boy rave)
so I want to stay ass far away from that!
but i will travel that way after the thai new year which i'll be spending in sisket...

Friday, March 6, 2009

iphone blog

Writing on iPhone. Got into bkk after 24 hours of travel, got to train one boxing class and get my bike into storage. Did some shopping, including
Got a call from a friend who is about to become a monk. Through the caotic system of phone calls from 5 different friends with varying levels of English we set up plans to go out to voot (soon to be monk)
It's ass hot, my eyes are way pissed at the filthy air. Ug
LOL and my friends here insist I sit and watch Thai soap operas. (one girl is being beat by an old man with a stick) while a row of women make vomiting faces and noises, then it breaks into song)
What an insane world.
I'm a bit concerned about heading out to a rural area so soon after arriving in Asia, I have a feeling my atomic isn't as tough as it once was. The food my Thai friends eat is much different than what the food stalls I have been going to have. I do like the chanc once again to explore all the interesting tastes, just not the ever constant pain. Ah ha, which reminds me of a tonic they sell at the pharisees here that I should pick up my next chance. It's like a minty disinfectant that you drink.
Today's going to be a long day....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

new blog

so.. in a effort to try and keep things organized I'm going to trey and have one blog for personal stuff, one for training, and one for biking. it'll probably just make it more confusing, but it's worth a shot.
so about is the link to the first biking blog.. if this turns out to be a failed experiment I'll go back to just one.
feed back is always appreciated.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


hey, I have a blog on my iphone I still need to download to blogger once I find an open internet connection. (been checking about with the iphone but no luck so far)
I'm now back in BKK, and have been busting as at the Thai boxing training. it's coming back fairly quickly but my body is kinda falling apart in the possess, after my first class (about 2 hours after getting off the plane) I could barely walk for the next 4 days. yesterday after class I got a masage and you could clearly hear the sickly sound of tearing fasha and knots being riped apart!! eek! hurt like hell.
also have worn holes in my knuckles and piviot spots on me toes.. ouch!
aw the glamor of boxing..
but i'm hoping i'll be up to traning again this afternoon.
maybe can just work through this soreness.

some time soon i may start another blog to go along with this one, but focoused on bicycling south. but more on that later.