Tuesday, March 3, 2009


hey, I have a blog on my iphone I still need to download to blogger once I find an open internet connection. (been checking about with the iphone but no luck so far)
I'm now back in BKK, and have been busting as at the Thai boxing training. it's coming back fairly quickly but my body is kinda falling apart in the possess, after my first class (about 2 hours after getting off the plane) I could barely walk for the next 4 days. yesterday after class I got a masage and you could clearly hear the sickly sound of tearing fasha and knots being riped apart!! eek! hurt like hell.
also have worn holes in my knuckles and piviot spots on me toes.. ouch!
aw the glamor of boxing..
but i'm hoping i'll be up to traning again this afternoon.
maybe can just work through this soreness.

some time soon i may start another blog to go along with this one, but focoused on bicycling south. but more on that later.