Monday, May 11, 2009

tama negera rain forest trek.

got backl last night.
it was nice and intresting and chalanging at times..
i was out there witha group of 7, way too many.
3 guys from iran, very friendly but kinda sleezy, when they showed up for the tour they were chased by the guest house owner where they tryed to slip out without paying there bill. odd.
a young couple from amsterdam, who didn't stop talking the whole hike.. and preaty much scared away every critter we could have come across.
a 50 year old tubby acountent who i though was going to have a heart atack, and was very slow.. myself and the guide.
they all looked at me kinda of weird, they all had there huge backpacks, goofy zip pants, kacky travel shirts ect.
I had my small millatary asult pack dressed all inn black with a cantine and a big ass knife..
anyways, the guide kept asking us questions, i swear he was just making up the awancers, becasue he'd ask us all and every time i was right, even when i was just guess, who the fuck would i know the life span of leaches, or what color fludid coming out of a vine isn't poisenes, so people were lokking at me weird even more.
the first day of treking was kinda lame, way too easy. the guid ended up going in the back to try and push the old aussy guy along who was putting about in the back, so i led the group, trying to get away from the amsterdam kids and there noise i ended up preaty much jopgging through the trails which was kinda fun, even though i had to stop every 20 min and wait 10 for everyone to catch up except one of the younger guys from iran who kept up.
the rain forest was alot less harsh than i had expected, i'm guessing the south american forest it the tough one, with all teh real nasty critters.
we were going so slow that we didn't amke it to the cave we were to sleep in till night fall in the dark and the rain.
which was ok for me, becasue it gave me a chance to hang out in teh very back and creep along trying to go quite and be very aware of my sroundiungs, which was a fun challoange, trying to watch where you step, to be quite and not trip, crouched, looking into the thick folige imaginging where ambushes could be of trip wires, at least it kept me intertained. though i'm sure i looked pleanty silly.
i was a bit anoyed becasue our guide wasn't much help, i'd keep asking him can you eat this or that,, and he'd keep saying no, not becasue you couldn't eat it but becasue he didn't like to eat it.. fucking lame but still i learned a bit.
that night we got to a huge amazing cave and i set about making a fire, witht eh help of some sap the guide picked up, all and all not back then i helped cook dinner, i was still too full of energy and everyone ealse was pooped, so i hit a near by streem for cooking water and to take somewhat of a rinse, which did feel great.
i slept having terable dreams, which ended in my chacking up people witha machity.. so i though i'd keep that to myself.
the next day of treking was tougher which was nice, finaly got a bit tired, everywhere getting atached by tons of leaches, the way they come for you on the ground is quite creepy, madly fliping end over end after you.
anyways... thats all i feel like wirting about for now.. oh except after the trek we got back into town after a hour or so down the river by boat, (why on earth do people , fucking grown adults need to say woopie, and waahoo while going down fairly tame rapides?)
got back into town and got started at by everyone, not sure if i looked like a dirty hippy traveler, or a mad man form the jungel, bit it was a bit disturbing..
but it was nice to finaly get out of soking wet closths, and squish soggy socks and shoes, hopefully they dry out some before I take off today..

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