Friday, December 28, 2007


torn up.
a night full of savage nightmares, of a past not that far gone.
still haunted.
flys continually try to land in the torn up flesh of my knuckles, it's disgusting.
I stopped coughing up blood. in an hour i go in again to train. and to be fustrated with myself for being in such pitiful shape. like somehow being strong enough will some how fix things.
i'm probably just getting wound up before i jump into Laos. I'm contemplating getting a lonely planet to bring.. i idea just seems absurd.. too much like all outer ideas i suppose.
but going in a something. so forward and on ward and all good thing to come.

1 comment:

Dustin Allor said...

Take it easy on yourself! I thought of you this morning when I woke up from a really long and complicated fucked up dream. I remembered how you said I always have really fucked up dreams. Oh well, one more to add to the list!