Friday, December 14, 2007

flickr sucks!!!

wow dose flickr suck ass!!!
I opend a acount so I could add photos here and it was such a huge pain in the ass.
I think i already have like 5 acounts through them, so every user name I have is taken up, but i can't log into any of them.
I hope the CEO of ficker gets raped by wild angry pigs!
i like how they give you a security question but then restrict you on the awncer.. thats preaty fucking stupid.. whats you fave this of that.. sorry thats not enough letter, why don't you like something that has more letters.. thanks turd suckers!
and after alllll that i try to up load photos.. theres a limit. so what I need a acount for every 100 photos?
i'm so sick of companys making there products a pain to use. yes that is a big fuck you to apple for handy capping all there products, all the cunt phone companys in the usa, ect ect ect.

ok, i deleted a bunch of my photos so hopfully they'll all fit, i'd concider paying for an upgreaded acount but the adsence adds on this page arn't paying shit, and I'd hate to suport flickr till they chang the way they do shit.
but, posably there be some photos up sooner than later

1 comment:

甜甜圈工作室 said...

flickr does sucks horribly, they gave me a free account and let it expire, now i can't see my other pix unless i pay them. i hate flickr!