Friday, December 7, 2007

well I was going to post some blogs I wote wile on the plane but of cource my ir key board s L,W,and X keys stoped working, now I can't even get the Palm life drive to turn on so... eh.
i'm in chaing mai now, I just got off a 10 hour bus ride, and have been just walking around waiting for the sun to come up. soon some places should be open and I'll go grab some food and get my bearing a bit better.
the plane ride was a breeze, I dropped 2 Valium and slept 12 hours of the flight not too bad at all. so far everything has been really easy, my cell phone still works, I got some overpriced cards made up at kinkos before i left the usa but they turned out soooo shitty I'm going to just have to throw them away, there goes close to 50 bucks! fucking kinkos!
other wise i'm up in chaing mai for bike week hopefully going to meet up with trever and jj from ebrmc and do some riding. I'm still trying to get a hold of theses guys but now i know where there guest house is and I've figured out my bearings a bit (after about 2 hours of wandering around totally turned around.)
other than that, my first day in thailand whent well, a friend let me sleep at there place, I signed up for 30 classes at my old boxing gym. and trained for the first time inn 6 months yesterday. i'm feeling a bit sore but it's not too bad yet ;)
I expected to be in much worse shape. most people can't make it through one of the classes, but I struggled through.. hopefully some time I'll go out and buy some new muythai gear.. I'm also considering on getting a run of Drunken Monkey fight shorts made up to sell. that should be amusing. if it happens..though I'm guessing it will just end in our regulars sitting at the bar in nothing but shiny short short shorts... not too sure if that a great thing or a crime against nature.
ok. take care...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

glad to see that you're posting regularly, making it easy for cyber stalkers like me to keep up!