feeling better.
once i got out of that hell hole, and got some food.
then found out that my atm card is working again.
hit the shadow pupet workshop, and the big wat here.
and then stuffed myface, was so full it hurt.
a few min ago i decided where i'll head in teh morninng, going west (can't rememebr the name of the town off the top of my head) and will aim for a train junctiooon, and find a train to Maylaisia, it'll suckgoing somewhere where i can't speak the langage but such is life.
i'm sure it's about time.
my iphone is out out of money and with the lower part of the screen not reaction to touch i can't refill it, so no more posting from the road. a full restor may fix it I'd say a 10% chance, but what do i know, but that meens i loose all my photos, apps, books, games, music.. so not too sure about that..
hopfully i'll hit towns with internet often to i can try and keep this, an my outer bicycle blog somewhat updated.
15 years ago
hold the power button and the menu button, until the phone restarts. it resets the iPhone and everything will go back to normal. Mine was stuck, and this worked. just like an old ipod. all of your apps and stuff will be fine.
yea monster i've tryed this a few times.. may try and see if theres an apple repair center in this country.. crap sticks, at least it still kinda works, just not as a phone, txt, alarm clock, or anything ealse that requires that last little bit of the screen
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