so i whent to boxing,
well first i pick up some fruit to snack on (try to gain some mucle here..) and picked up bandaids and tape and iodine to cover the holes that i have worn in my knuckles. (yea i get alot of strange looks at my bandaged hands.. lol what ever.)
so.. gonna share here a bit, prepare to loose some respect for me,lol
so i chance into my fight short and relize i forgot my manties (man panties as roxane used to call them) and i also for got my ankle braces.. yea a good start.. what ever i'll make do.. so what if i end up fashing my goods at a monk and some thai school girls.. fuck it.
i strat as i alwas do and oil up like a 70's porn start with boxing oil.. it's like tiger balm if tigerbalm was gear oil mixed with gasoline and angry gofers. (just is ok)
it warms the mucles and get you going.. un les you forgot you chonies and get some on your junk... oh sweet jeebus! i've done it before but that kind of pain you just don't remember till it happens again. ack!
anyways, 20min jumping rope and that horable burning sensation has finaly passed, do some kicking, wrap my hands and get ready to hit the bag for a bit.. jab jab.. ok.. jab jab cross... what the fuck! i feel this weird springy feeling in my forarm... look down and my right for arm it about 2x the size of my right... crap.
so i go over and ice it... 1/2 the guys there say it's nothing and go train (the you fucking pussy part is just implyed of cource) the outher half wince at looking at it and say thats not good.. lol well i iced it and took the day off for the class.. if it dosn't get better ina few days i'll do something abut it.. but now i'm anoyed.. the one thing that keeps me modritly sane and out of a downward spriale of mopyness has left me a chewed up freak.. fuck.. so, i decided to head back to the internet cafe and waste a bunch of money.. on the bright side.. i'll have all my photos up loaded soon, after bigthing the bullet and getting a flickr pro acount and a new card reader.. woopie look at me spend $$..
15 years ago
Ack, I can just picture your poor arm! What are you thinking? Are you looking for pain or is it just finding you? Is this some sort of therapy?
I really liked reading about your bike trip in CM. It sounded like it was a great time.
Thinking of you! -- Beth
Happy new year noble! You really gotta stop hurting yourself. anywho, I wanted to let you that somebody, does in fact read this thing. I hope your arm is better. and yes I agree, more gas is always the answer.
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